DBAmon |
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A starter file is supplied with DBAmon: /opt/dbamon/adm/dbamonrc.TEMPLATE. Copy this file to /opt/dbamon/adm/dbamonrc if this is the first installation of DBAmon on this Master server.
This file specifies:
DBAMONRC Parameters
| Section SYSTEM SYSTEM parameters Section USERS USERS parameters |
DBAMONRC Parameters Parameter
| Description
| Example Value
| Default Value
| Parameters For Which You MUST Specify a Value (No Default)
| Admin_EMail:
| Email address for program error messages
| bill_border@abc.com
| Admin_Pager:
| Email address of Pager for DBAmon FATAL messages. This is also used by dbamon_watchdog.
| 7195556424@txt.att.net
| Parameters Which Have Tolerable Default Values
| Count_Tables:
| Whether ("Y") or not ("N") to count the Informix tables in each Informix instance.
The process of counting table for use in the WWW "D" Report, only occurs on the first
iteration of DBAmon. It can be very resource intensive, and the value of seeing the
table count is of limited value.
| N
| Y
| Debug:
| Only specify this parameter if you are asked to do so by DBAmon support.
If specified, additional debugging information is written to the Day log.
| 1
| Default_BA_Arc:
| The default Backup_Age_Arc value in hours. Applies to Oracle/UX.
| 2
| 24*30
| Default_Backup_Age_Full_Days:
| The default Backup_Age_Full_Days: value in days. Applies to MSSQL.
| 2
| (None)
| Default_DBMS:
| The default DBMS: DBC value.
| Informix
| Default_Instance_Dur_Max_Secs::
| The default threshold (in seconds) for how long it should take DBAmon to perform
all monitoring tasks for this instance.
| 30
| (None)
| Default_Min_CF:
| DBAmon monitors (For Oracle/UX) the number of controlfiles. This parameter
establishes the default threshold. If the number of controlfile for an instance
drops below this number, then a WARNING event will occur.
| 2
| 1
| Default_MSSQL_Job_Fail_Check:
| The default value for the DBC parameter: MSSQL_Job_Fail_Check: parameter.
| Y
| N
| Default_MSSQL_Log_Exclude_Strings:
| The default value for the DBC parameter: MSSQL_Log_Exclude_Strings: parameter.
| 'String1' 'String 2 with space'
| (None)
| Default_MSSQL_Log_Min_Sev:
| The default value for the DBC parameter: MSSQL_Log_Min_Sev: parameter.
| 14
| 17
| Default_SLA:
| The default value for the DBC parameter: SLA: parameter.
| Gold
| (None)
| Default_T_DB_Cache:
| DBAmon monitors (For Oracle/UX) the DB cache read hit ratio. This parameter
establishes the default thresholds. The first number is the threshold, below which,
a WARNING event will occur. The seconds number specifies the threshold, below which,
a PERF event will occur.
| 20/90
| 15/85
| Default_T_MSSQL_VLF_Count:
| DBAmon monitors (For MSSQL) the current number of Virtual Log Files for each MSSQL DB. Too many VLFs can cause poor update performance. | 75
| 100
| Default_T_NUSERPROC:
| DBAmon monitors (For Oracle/UX on HP-UX) the current OS process count vs. the
maxuprc Kernel value. This parameter specifies the warning and critical
event thresholds (percentage of maxuprc).
| 20/90
| 80/99
| Default_T_PerfCounter:
| DBAmon monitors (For MSSQL) Performance Counter values. This DBAMONRC parm allows
you to specify a Global Default for all instances for a particular counter.
| NET_OutputQueueLength 0/1 GT
| Duplicates_To_Events_Table:
| Starting with 5.37.H, DBAmon will log CONSECUTIVE-DUPLICATE events to the DBAMON.DBAMON.EVENTS
repository table - Unless yes specify this parameter as N.
| N
| Y
| Filecheck:
If specified, DBAmon will check the existence of this file for all UX servers. A Critical
Event will occur if it is not found.
| /var/opt/afile
| Iterations:
| Number of iterations to run or * for forever. When you run DBAmon in production
(started by cron) mode, you will want to specify this as *.
| 10
| *
ID1_Breakout: (through)
| ID10_Breakout: Specifies whether DBAmon should create an additional summary of instances by grouped
by their ID1: through ID10: DBC value.
| Y
| N
| Loc_Breakout:
| Specifies whether DBAmon should create an additional summary of instances by grouped
by their network location value.
| Y
| N
| Iter_Min_Secs:
| If specified, tells DBAmon that no single iteration should run for less than
this number of seconds. If an iteration completes in less than the number of seconds
specified here, DBAmon will sleep the difference between the the iteration duration
and this number before starting the next iteration. For example, if this number is
set to 600 (10 minutes) and an iteration completes in just 6 minutes, then DBAmon
will sleep for 4 minutes before starting the next iteration. This feature prevents
DBAmon from "beating up" a DB server. This parameter is similar to the Sleeptime:
parameter, but is more sophisticated in the the sleep only occurs if the iteration
ran quickly.
| 600
| Make_Tickets:
| Whether ("Y") or not ("N") to invoke dbamon_make_ticket.pl to
create HelpDesk tickets. This will only work if you have created a "ticket"
User Exit.
| Y
| N
| MSSQL_Svc_Acct_Check:
| Whether ("Y") or not ("N") to perform MSSQL Service Account Checking.
This check involves the USER_DATA repository table which is user-populated.
| Y
| N
| Num_Tasks:
| This parameter, if set > 1, will cause DBAmon to run in Multi-Task mode.
Requires Use_Oracle: or Use_MSSQL: to be Y. If set to 1 (the default), DBAmon will run
in Single-Task mode.
| 5
| 1
| If Use_Oracle: is Y, this will specify the ORACLE_SID of the db to
use as a DBAmon repository.
No default. Required if Use_Oracle: is Y.
| If Use_Oracle: is Y, this will specify the ORACLE_HOME of the db to
use as a DBAmon repository.
No default. Required if Use_Oracle: is Y.
| /opt/oracle/product/8.1.6
| ORACLE_Password:
| If Use_Oracle: is Y, this will specify the password of the DB user "dbamon".
You must specify this before running dbamon_create_tables.pl during the installation.
No default. Required if Use_Oracle: is Y.
| mypassword
| Paging:
| Whether DBAmon should invoke Paging logic for Critical and User events.
| N
| Y
| Quote_Domain_Users:
| Whether to put QUOTES (') around a domain user (user with a backslash - \) in the DBC Userid: parameter.
| Y
| N
| PhoneHome_Messages:
| Whether DBAmon should send PHONEHOME diagnostic messages.
These occur when the probe is VERY CONFUSED.
| N
| Y
| Probe_Timeout:
| If specified, any connect to a monitored server will be cancelled if it runs longer
than the number of seconds that you specify here.
| 600
| (Null)
| Remsh_Sev:
| Used to specify the severity of Remsh Error events.
Code as C for Critical or W for Warning.
| C
| W
| Remsh_Retries:
| New in DBAmon 3.30A. This parameter controls how many times
DBAmon will retry a failed connection. Every communication from the
DBAmon Master uses the "remsh" UX service. If this parameter is set
to > 0, then if a remsh connection fails for any reason (most probably
due to network problems), then the connection will be retried Remsh_Retries:
number of times after sleeping 30 seconds.
| 5
| 1
| Save_Dir:
| Directory (fully qualified) for saving Informix ONCONFIG and onstat -d output
from every Informix instance. This will be useful in the events of a DB server crash.
The directory that you specify must exist.
| /opt/dbamon/dat/ifmx_save
| /opt/dbamon/dat/config_save
| Sleeptime:
| Time to sleep between iterations
| 600
| 30
| SQL_DB_Owner_Event:
| If set to N, then you will not receive any DBA353 events for DBs with the less-than-ideal DB Owner.
| Y
| N
| SQL_Job_Owner_Event:
| If set to N, then you will not receive any DBA352 events for Jobs with the less-than-ideal Job Owner.
| Y
| N
| SQLPerf_Sev_To_Perf:
| If set to Y, then SQL Performance events will have a severity of "P"erf. By
default they are W and C.
| Y
| N
| Suppress_Events:
| If you specify the MSGID of any DBAmon Events here, then they will be suppressed for all instances. This is like the DBC
Suppress_Events: parameter, but on a global scale. Enter the 6-character Event MSGID's separated by a comma with no spaces.
| DBA806,DBA807,DBA997
| Table_Detail_Retain_Days:
| The number of days to retain data in DBAMON.METRICS before it is purged. All rows in this table are summarized
to (at least) DBAMON.METRICS_DAILY on a daily basis.
| 14
| 30
| If set to Y, then DBAmon will maintain a DBAMON.METRICS_HOURLY metrics history table in addition to the
default DBAMON.METRICS_DAILY history table. The METRICS_HOURLY table is of limited value because I don't believe
in over-monitoring, which I think you would be doing if you run more than 1 iteration per hour.
| Y
| N
| Task_Cfg_File:
| This optional parameter specifies the name of a file in /opt/dbamon/adm which
contains Task Definitions for use in Multi-Tasking to tell which monitoring processes
which DB servers to monitor.
Requires Use_Oracle: to be Y and Num_Tasks: to be > 1.
No Default. If this is not specified, then DBAmon will distribute all monitored Servers
alphabetically among the Num_Tasks: number of tasks.
| task_config_prod.txt
| Use_DNS:
| (Y/N) Whether to use nslookup to qualify hostnames on your DBAmon MASTER server. MSSQL for your DBAmon data repository. You would
only specify this parameter (as N) when you're using DBAmon MASTER on CYGWIN and you're on a private or home network.
| N
| Y
| Use_MSSQL:
| (Y/N) Whether to use MSSQL for your DBAmon data repository. You must specify
MSSQL_Instance: if you specify this parameter as Y.
| Y
| N
| Use_Oracle:
| (Y/N) Whether to use Oracle for your DBAmon data repository.
ORACLE_SID: and ORACLE_HOME: if you specify this parameter as Y.
| Y
| N
| WWW_Check:
| (Y/N) Whether to create the Check (lightbulb) URL on the Instance Summary.
| Y
| N
| WWW_Magnify:
| (Y/N) Whether to create the Magnify (magnifying glass) URL on the Instance Summary.
| Y
| N
| WWW_Event_Isolate: (Obsolete)
| Specify here DBAmon Events that you want to isolate to seperate WWW pages. A URL to these
events will appear at the bottom of the Short and Long Instance Summary pages. If you specify
more than one msgid, separate then with commas.
| Note: As of 05Jul15 this parameter is obsolete, and ignored. All events now receive an Event Isolation report.
| DBA123,DBA456
| WWW_Font:
| Specify here the font that all dynamic WWW pages are to use.
If the font name contains a space, specify a % instead of the space.
| Trebuchet%MS
| OBSOLETE Parameters - Please DO NOT USE
| Use_MySQL:
| Whether ("Y") or not ("N") to invoke logic to use a MYSQL
database. If you want to use this feature, call me.
The default is "N".
| N
| (Obsolete) HTML_Rpt_Path:
| This is the fully qualfied UX path of the file where
the HTML Disk Usage document will be written. Every iteration,
DBAmon writes a new report which contains data for all systems.
| /csitc/r3/dbamon/dbamon_rpt.html
| (Obsolete) HTML_Log_Path:
| This is the fully qualfied UX path of the file where
the HTML Event Log document will be written. Every iteration,
DBAmon writes a new HTML Event Log document which lists the
current critical, warning and informational events for all systems.
| /csitc/r3/dbamon/dbamon_log.html
| (Obsolete) HTML_Sys_Path:
| This is the fully qualfied UX path of the file where
the HTML System Summary document will be written. Every iteration,
DBAmon writes a new document which lists all systesm.
| /csitc/r3/dbamon/dbamon_sys.html
| (Obsolete) HTML_Events_Dir:
| This is the fully qualfied UX path of the directory
where the indivual event files for each system will be written.
| /csitc/r3/dbamon/events_current
| (Obsolete) HTTP_Log_Path:
| The fully qualified HTTP pathname of the above HTML
Event Log document. This is printed as part of the OpC
messages and is inserted into the System Summary HTML page.
| http://srvr/dbamon/dbamon_log.html
| (Obsolete) HTTP_Rpt_Path:
| The fully qualified HTTP pathname of the above HTML
Disk Usage report HTML document. This is inserted into the System
Summary HTML page.
| http://srvr/dbamon_html/dbamon_rpt.html
| (Obsolete) HTTP_Events_Dir:
| The HTTP name for the HTTP_Events_Dir directory.
Individual HTML docuements will have the format of this value
followed by system name.html.
| http://srvr/dbamon_html/events_current
| (Obsolete) HTTP_Details_Dir:
| The HTTP name for the HTTP_Details_Dir directory.
This value depends on how you have configured your HTTP env to
point to the DBAmon WWW documents. Also, there is not an
HTML_Details_Dir parameter, it is always /opt/dbamon/htm/details
or /opt/dbamon/htm/details_test.
| /dbamon_html/details
| (Obsolete) Images_Dir:
| Relative Dir where these gif files are found:
| OpC_Messages:
| Whether ("Y") or not ("N") to send ANY OpC (ITO) messages for DBAmon events.
| Y
| N
| OpC_Trailer:
| When an OpC message is issued, the text supplied here will be
appended to the text of the message.
| This is a test
| PN_Dir:
| Directory where clpostXm lives on the DBAmon server.
| /usr/local/bin/X11
| /usr/local/bin/X11
| Contact Me (WWW Support Request) About These
| ID1_Breakout:
Causes DBAmon to create a section on the top of the Instance Summary which
summarizes and creates separate URL's for each "ID1:" DBC value.
Requires Use_Oracle: to be Y.
| Y
| N
| Log_Path:
| Pathname for Log Reports
| /opt/dbamon/dat/reports/dbamon.log
| Use_DBC_Firstchar:
| In multi-task mode, causes DBAmon to group instances by the first character
of the DBC file name, rather than by the first character of the server name.
Specify Y or N (default).
| Y
| Auto_Detect_Aliases:
| If this parameter is set to Y DBAmon will automatically detect and
display all network alias names (from netstat -i) for all Oracle/UX instances.
Specify Y or N (default).
| Y
| Report_EMail:
| Email address to receive DBAmon Informix Version Report. Up to 8 addresses delimited
by blank.
| bill_border@abc.com
| Run_SPFile_Check:
| If Y, then a warning DBA399 event will occur for any instance which used SPFILEs.
| Y
| |
The format the an entry in the List of Users is:
Notification Method | Value | Example |
EMail ID | bill_border@abc.com | |
Postnote | @hostname | @curley |
Example List:
List # | List of Users Seperated By Blanks |
1 | dba123@mike |
2 | dba123@mike sap345@mike 7195990012@pager.gateway.net |
3 | dba123@mike bill_border@abc.com @curley |