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MSSQL Parameters Parameter
| Description
| Example Value
| Default Value
| Backup_Age:
| (Optional)
The maximum tolerable age of the most recent DB backup in hours. See
below for details on which databases are checked.
| 32
| (No Default)
| Backup_Age_Full_Days:
| (Optional)
The maximum tolerable age of the most recent Full DB backup in hours. See
below for details on which databases are checked.
| 30
| (No Default) -or- DBAMONRC Default_Backup_Age_Full_Days: (If Specified)
| Backup_Age_TLog:
| (Optional)
The maximum tolerable age of the most recent TLOG backup in hours. See
below for details on which databases are checked. Note that if you do not specify this
parameter, then the Backup_Age: value will be used for all (any) TLOG backups.
| 32
| (Backup_Age: value)
| Backup_Check_DBs:
| (Optional)
The MSSQL databases that you want to perform Backup_Age: checking on.
If you specify the Backup_Age: parameter, the master and msdb databases
will automatically be checked. Specify here any additional databases
for which you want to check backup age. The name must be specified in
lower case and if there is more than 1 name, the names must be separated
by commas with no spaces.
| If you specify ALL, then all DB's will be checked for backup age. If you do not specify this DBC parm, then all DBs will be checked for backup age. northwind,mydb,yada,yada
| All DBs will be checked for Backup_Age: and all DBs that are NOT in SIMPLE recovery model
will be checked for Backup_Age: for TLOG backups.
| Backup_NoCheck_DBs:
| (Optional)
The MSSQL databases for which you DO NOT want to perform Backup_Age: checking.
The name must be specified in
lower case and if there is more than 1 name, the names must be separated
by commas with no spaces.
| If you do not specify this DBC parm, then all DBs will be checked for backup age. northwind,mydb,yada,yada
| All DBs will be checked for Backup_Age: and all DBs that are NOT in SIMPLE recovery model
will be checked for Backup_Age: for TLOG backups.
| Backup_Command:
| (Optional) Specifies an NT command to invoke anytime a backup age event
occurs for any database names in Backup_Check_DBs:. Note that you have to provide
your own backup script which is invoked. You can specify predefined strings that will
be translated at run-time:
{PERLPATH}/perl.exe {SQLPATH}/scripts/backup.pl {DB} LVL0
| (No Default)
| CheckDB_Age_Days:
| (Optional)
DBAmon monitors the number of days since the last successful execution of the MSSQL CheckDB utility for all read-write DBs.
Use the DBC parm to specify the threshold after which you want to create an event for "too long since last successful CheckDB".
| 14
| 8
| Event_EMail_For_Sevs:
(Optional) Normally DBAmon only sends an EMail notification for a Critical or User event.
wWith this parameter you can specify additional event severities for which DBAmon SHOULD
send EMail notification for events.
| PW | (This would add EMail notification for SEV=Performance and SEV=Warning events)
| MSSQL_Addtl_Drives:
(Optional) By default, DBAmon monitors the drives 'C' plus all drives which contain
MSSQL DB or TLog files. This parameter allows you specify additional drives to
monitor - just make sure that they exist or the DBAmon Probe will fail.
is running, specify N here.
| (No Default)
| MSSQL_Agent_Mon:
(Optional) If you do not wish to monitor to ensure that the MSSQL agent
is running, specify N here.
| N
| Y
| MSSQL_DB_OK_Owners:
| (Optional)
DBAmon checks all Databases to ensure that they are owned by the SA userid. With this parameter
you can specify additional userids which are allowed to own Databases. Multiple IDs can be specified but
the y must be separated by a comma (no spaces). See the example to the right.
| theowner1,theowner2,me,you
| (No Default)
| MSSQL_DDP_Job_Cat_MBR: <|> {JobCategory} <|>
| (Optional) Specify here the MSSQL JOB CATEGORY for job(s) that MUST BE RUNNING (get it? MBR=Must Be Running). Note that
this parameter can be specified multiple time to specify multiple job categories that must be running.
| MSSQL_DDP_Job_Cat_MBR: <|>repl-distribution<|>
| (No Default)
| MSSQL_DDP_Job_Name_MBR: <|> {JobCategory} <|>
| (Optional) Specify here the MSSQL JOB NAME for job(s) that MUST BE RUNNING (get it? MBR=Must Be Running). Note that
this parameter can be specified multiple time to specify multiple job names that must be running.
| MSSQL_DDP_Job_Name_MBR: <|>The Job Name<|>
| (No Default)
| MSSQL_Instance:
| (Optional)
The name of this MSSQL instance.
| MSSQL_Job_Check_Cat_Excl_String:
| (Optional)
Sometimes there are MSSQL jobs that fail often, and for whatever the reason, you don't care. :) This parameter allows you to exclude
one or more SQL JOBS from failure checking. If you specify this parameter, then jobs with a JOB CATEGORY which contains this string
are excluded from SQL JOB Checking. For example, if you specify this parameter as KR, then any job with a SQL JOB CATEGORY that contains
KR will be excluded from SQL JOB Checking.
You can specify multiple jobs category search strings separated by commas, but no spaces.
| (No Default)
| MSSQL_Job_Check_Name_Excl_String:
| (Optional)
Sometimes there are MSSQL jobs that fail often, and for whatever the reason, you don't care. :) This parameter allows you to exclude
one or more SQL JOBS from failure checking. If you specify this parameter, then jobs with a JOB NAME which contains this string
are excluded from SQL JOB Checking. For example, if you specify this parameter as KR, then any job with a SQL JOB NAME that contains
KR will be excluded from SQL JOB Checking.
You can specify multiple jobs category search strings separated by commas, but no spaces.
| (No Default)
| MSSQL_Job_Fail_Check:
| (Optional)
Specify Y or N to Enable or Disable SQL Job Failure checking.
If the most recent job completion status for any enabled job is Failed, then this event will occur if this parameter
is Y.
| Y
| (Depends on dbamonrc | Default_MSSQL_Job_Fail_Check: parameter) MSSQL_Job_LR_Check_Name_Excl_String:
| (Optional)
DBAmon looks for SQL jobs that have been running for at least 12 hours. However, you could very well have jobs
that normally run for at least 12 hours.
This parameter allows you to EXCLUDE these SQL jobs from this Long Running Job check. So, if you have a job which
normally runs for a long period of time named "Myjob_archive1", then if you specify archive1 with this
parameter, then this job will be excluded from the DBAmon Long Running Job check.
You can specify multiple search strings, separate them with a COMMA, but with NO SPACES. For example, if you want
to exclude jobs with "aaa" or "bbb" as part of the jobs name, you would specify this parameter as: aaa,bbb
| aaa,bbb,ccc
| (No default - All currently running | jobs are checked for exection time) MSSQL_Job_OK_Owners:
| (Optional)
DBAmon checks all enabled SQL jobs to ensure that they are owned by the SA userid. With this parameter
you can specify additional userids which are allowed to own jobs. Multiple IDs can be specified but
the y must be separated by a comma (no spaces). See the example to the right.
| theowner1,theowner2,me,you
| (No Default)
| MSSQL_Log_Exclude_Strings:
| (Optional)
Use this parameter to optionally exclude MSSQL Error log entries which contain one of the strings that you
specify here.
| 'String1' 'String2 with space' 'zzz'
| (Depends on dbamonrc | Default_MSSQL_Log_Exclude_Strings: parameter), or (No Default) MSSQL_Log_Min_Sev:
| (Optional)
Use this parameter to optionally override the default value of 17.
The value that you specify is the minimum SQL Log severity message that will become a critical event. For
example, if you specify 14, then all SQL Log messages with a severity 14 or higher will be reported as critical events.
| 14
| (Depends on dbamonrc | Default_MSSQL_Job_Fail_Check: parameter), or 17 MSSQL_Repl_Lag_Excl_String:
| (Optional)
This parameter can be used to EXCLUDE certain subscriptions from counting toward the "Replication Max Lag" performance
metric. This is useful if you have a subscription which is NOT run continuously. If that is the case, then you can use
this parameter to specify part of the name of this subscription. DBAmon will see that the string that you specified here
IS part of the name of that subscription, and it's current LAG will not be considered when calculating the Replication Max
| DW
| (No Default)
| MSSQL_RJ_OKLoad_Age_Hrs:
| (Optional)
Specify the warning/critical values for hours since last successful RJ Incremental load job.
| 2/3
| (No Default)
| MSSQL_String_Check:
| (Optional)
Use this parameter to optionally search the SQL Log for strings that you want to keep track of.
For example, if you want track deadlocks, you could specify a string that occurs in the SQL as part of the
deadlock message.
If the string is found, the PERFORMANCE VARIABLE that you name as the 2nd parameter (after the SLASH or /)
is incremented for every match. You then can be notified when this occurs by specify the T_Perf_Counter:
| MSSQL_String_Check: recovery/String_Recovery | In this case, the string "recovery" will be searched for in the SQL Log. If found, the DBAmon Performance Counter Variable "SQL_UDM_String_Recovery" will be incremented. (No Default) MSSQL_Tran_Duration_Hrs:
| (Optional)
DBAmon checks for long running MSSQL transactions. With this parameter
you can override the default value, in hours. If an active MSSQL transaction
is found that has been running at least this number of hours then a DBA944 Event
will occur.
| 12 4 MSSQL_Tran_TLOG_GB:
| (Optional)
DBAmon checks for long running MSSQL transactions. With this parameter
you can override the default value, in GB of Transaction Log (TLOG Reserved Space). If an active MSSQL transaction
is found that has is using this amount of TLOG space (GB Reserved Space) then a DBA944 Event
will occur.
| 4 1 NT_RCP_Bug:
(Optional) We have found an NT bug where RCP from a Unix server (the DBAmon
Master server) has a permission problem. Coding this parameter Y
will cause a workaround to this problem to be used. If you get
persistent \temp\dbamon* Permission Denied errors, then you
may be experiencing this problem.
| Y
| (No Default)
| Perf_Events_During_Shifts:
| (Optional) This DBC parameter gives you the ability to do Event Notification for Performance (P)
events only during certain shifts. By Default, if you have DBAmon configured otherwise to create events for Performance
(P) events, they will be sent during any shift - meaning the Work Shift on the target server. With this parameter specify
any combination of P, W or N for Prime, Weekend or Night shift. So, if you only want to create Performance events during
Prime shift (08:00-17:00 on weekdays), specify this as P. In this case, no Performance events will be created during nights
or weekends (from the time on the target server). Note that in this case metrics will still be collected.
| P
| (No Default)
| Perl_Metric_Label:
| (Optional) This parm gives you the capability of defining LABELS for Performance Metrics. These
labels appear on the Instance Drill-Down page, and on some graphs.
| Perf_Metric_Label: SQL_UserConnections Number_of_Connections
| (No Default)
| Perl_Path:
| (Optional) If the Perl executable is not in the default "Path",
you will need to specify this parameter which needs to point to the
actual Perl executable.
| e:\perl\bin\perl
| (No Default - DBAmon will attempt to figure out the path for Perf by default)
| SSH_Port: {PortNumber}
| (Optional) SSH communication to the TARGET defaults to using the SSH port of 22.
If you need to use a different port, specify that port number here. Obviously, the port number that
you specify here must match the port that you configured into your SSH Server Software(CopSSH).
| SSH_Port: 22222
| 22
| T_* DBAmon Monitoring Threshold Parameters:
| T_Disk_Full: ww/cc | -or- T_Disk_Full: N (Optional) The warning (ww) and critical (cc) thresholds when checking
the fullness of any Windows disk which contains at least 1 MSSQL
database file.
If you do not want
this check to occur, specify N.
| 80/85
| 95/99
| T_Disk_Full_Override: D:ww/cc
| (Optional) This parameter allows you to override the Warning/Critical thresholds for ONE DRIVE.
This can be used, for example, when you have one very full drive which cannot be easily corrected.
| E:92/94
| (T_Disk_Full setting)
| T_FG_Full: ww/cc | -or- T_FG_Full: N (Optional) The warning (ww) and critical (cc) thresholds when checking
the fullness of any SQL Filegroup.
If you do not want
this check to occur, specify N.
| 80/90
| 95/99
| T_MSSQL_VLF_Count: nn
| (Optional) The Performance Event numeric threshold
of the number of VLFs for the creation of a PERF event for this metric.
| 150
| dbamonrc Default_T_MSSQL_VLF_Count value
| T_PerfCounter: {PerfCounterName} W-Threshold/C-Threshold [Comparison-Operator]
| (Optional) This parameter is used to specify EVENT Warning and Critical thresholds for the Windows and MSSQL
Performance Counters that DBAmon monitors. See the PERFORMANCE section of the INSTANCE DETAIL WWW page for the Performance Counter
The parameters are:
T_PerfCounter: SQL_ActiveTrans 10/15 GT C
| (No Default)
| T_Repl_Undistributed_Cmds: W/C
| (Optional) The Warning and Critical thresholds at which a DBAmon Event will occur if an MSSQL Transactional Replication
Subscription is found with at least this value of Undistributed Commands.
This monitor only occurs on MSSQL Instances with a Distribution Database. If this DBC parameter is not specified, then this monitoring will
not occur. Both the W/C Warning/Critical values must be specified.
| T_Repl_Undistributed_Cmds: 10000/20000
| (No Default - Off if Not Specified)
| T_SA_Max_Logins: N
| (Optional) The Security Event threshold for the monitoring of the maximum number of concurrent SA logins. If the
number of concurrent SA sessions (logins) exceed this value over the last 24 hours, then a DBA961 event will occur.
| 10
| 2
| T_TLog_Full: ww/cc | -or- T_TLog_Full: N (Optional) The warning (ww) and critical (cc) thresholds when checking the
transaction logs. The results of DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) are compared to this threshold for each DB. Note that there is 1 value
from DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE) for each DB, regardless of the number of TLogs the DB has.
If you do not want
this check to occur, specify N.
| 80/85
| 95/99
| |