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Possible Long Transactions Current Log: 51374 LTXHWM: 50 Log Count: 202 TX-Id User Name SID Hostname PID Connected LogBeg LogDlta LogPct HWMPct -- 74 sapr3 69 kenobi02.boise.i 24934 99/11/21-13:2:58 51374 0 0 0 DBName: sw4 Statement: SELECT MANDT , OBJEK , ATINN , ATZHL , MAFID , KLART , ADZHL , ATWRT , ATFLV , ATAWE , ATFLB , ATAW1 , ATCOD , ATTLV , ATTLB , ATPRZ , ATINC , ATAUT , AENNR , DATUV , LKENZ , ATIMB , ATZIS F ROM AUS -- 91 sapr3 127 kenobi03.boise.i 11429 99/11/21-13:3:27 51374 0 0 0 DBName: sw4 Statement: SELECT ID , OBJECT , LANGU , TYP , VERSION , MASTERLANG , TXTLINES , DOKSTATE , SELFDEF FROM DOKIL WHERE ID = ? AND OBJECT = ? AND LANGU = ? AND TYP = ? -- 124 sapr3 180 kenobi04.boise.i 18016 99/11/21-13:4:2 51337 37 18 36 DBName: sw4 Statement: SELECT MANDT , CLINT , KLART , CLASS , STATU , KLAGR , BGRSE , BGRKL , BGRKP , ANAME , ADATU , VNAME , VDATU , VONDT , BISDT , ANZUO , PRAUS , SICHT , DOKNR , DOKAR , DOKTL , DOKVR , DINKZ , NNORM ,
Field | Description |
TX-Id | Transaction ID (onstat -x) |
User Name | UX userid of this client |
SID | Informix session number |
Hostname | Where the session resides |
PID | Client PID (on Hostname) |
Connected | When this session connected (not when the transaction started) |
LogBeg | The log uniqid when this transaction started |
LogDlta | Differnce between current uniqid and LogBeg |
LogPct | % of instance logspace spanned by this transaction |
HWMPct | Transaction progress (%) toward being designated a longtx.
In this example, the bottom transaction is 36% of the log space toward being rolled back as a long transaction. |