- Install SSH1.
- Generate the identity.pub file.
- When prompted, enter a passphrase of blank (just hit {Enter}).
- TELNET to the DB Client.
- Change to the .ssh directory.
cd .ssh
- FTP the identity.pub file from your machine to the .ssh directory in your home directory in the server.
ftp [DBAmon Master]
cd /home/[DBAmon User]/.ssh
get identity.pub
- Copy the identity.pub file to the authorized_keys file. Use the cat command to append the file, so that if you are trying to access the server from more than one client, you will
have a keypair in the authorized_keys file from every client you are using to access the server.
cat identity.pub >> authorized_keys
- Erase the identity.pub file.
rm identity.pub
- Exit the telnet session and try logging in using ssh1.
ssh1 -l [username on server] [server]
- You should not have to enter a passcode, and you are now logged on.