Target Installation Checklist - Oracle on Windows

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Target Installation Checklist - Oracle on Windows

This document describes how to setup a DBAmon Target (Monitored Server) running Windows and Oracle for Windows. What you will be doing on the TARGET server:

  1. Download CopSSH and Strawberry Perl Software to DBAmon MASTER -

    You will need Strawberry Perl and CopSSH software for the TARGET installation. I would suggest that you download each of these packages once and save them on your DBAmon MASTER server. You can then download these 2 files to each of your TARGETs. The best way to find the software would be to google:

    • CopSSH 3.1.4
    • Strawberry Perl 32-bit (any current version - I am using 5.12)
    • Strawberry Perl 32-bit (any current version - I am using 5.12)

  2. TARGET Server Account -

    I would suggest that you pick a single AD DOMAIN account which will be used for all DBAmon TARGET installs. After you have created this, add this DOMAIN account to the LOCAL ADMINISTRATORS group on the TARGET server. For the purpose of this document, we will call this userid dbamonaccount. You can call it anything you want. Login to the TARGET server as this account. This account will be used to perform the DBAmon TARGET installation.

  3. Copy Install Files to TARGET Server -

    Copy the 2 files that you downloaded above to the TARGET server (Strawberry Perl and COPSSH).

  4. Install Strawberry Perl Software -

    First install Strawberry Perl. If the TARGET server is running Windows 64-bit, then make sure that you install Strawberry Perl 64-bit. This is very easy - take all defaults. It should take about 2 or 3 minutes.

  5. Install CopSSH Software -

    Begin the CopSSH install. Take all defaults including the account that the service will execute under.

    After the software has been installed, you will see a message: ICW OpenSSH is installed - ... - Use 'Activate a user' from the start menu for user activation. We need to do that. Click OK for the above message, and you will see a message the the OpenSSH installer is complete (hopefully with NO ERRORS). Click CLOSE to end that dialogue. Now go to START -- ALL PROGRAMS -- COPSSH - 1. ACTIVATE A USER. User SELECT USER NAME type the user name that you are using (how you are logged in now). Note that you do have enter the domain name here (i.e. (Domain\dbamonaccount). On the right of the screen as-is (/bin/bash for the shell) and UNCHECK all 3 boxes. Click NEXT.

    You should see a message the the userid that you specified is activated successfully. OpenSSH and Strawberry Perl are now installed on the TARGET server.

    On the TARGET server, ensure that the newly created Openssh SSHD service is running (the CopSSH installation created this service). If it is not, figure out why not!

  6. Verify Installation of CopSSH and Strawberry Perl Software -

    From the MASTER server, open a CYGWIN window.

    You will be doing the initial SSH connect from the MASTER to the TARGET. Run:

    ssh hostname_of_target_server 
    You should see a message about RSA Keys... Are you sure you want to continue connecting. Reply yes. You will now be prompted for the password. You won't see the DOMAIN name for the userid that you see here, but this is the password for the DOMAIN userid that you activated above. Enter the password now. It should allow you to login to the bash shell on the TARGET server.

    To verify that Perl was successfully installed, run now (still in the BASH shell on the TARGET server):

    cmd /c '\perl\bin\perl -v' 
    You should see amessage which states which version of Perl is installed. If not, figure out the problem and fix it! :o)

  7. Push the SSH Public Key To The TARGET Server -

    When you installed DBAmon on the MASTER server, you created a PUBLIC SSH KEY. You will now push that key out to the TARGET server. This will allow you to connect password-less to the target as this USERID on the MASTER server. Run on the MASTER in a CYGWIN shell window (this program live in /opt/dbamon/bin so it should be in your PATH):

    Follow the prompts. After supplying the TARGET hostname and userid, you will have to enter the password for that user on the TARGET server 4 of 5 times.

  8. Change the Openssh Service Credentials on the TARGET Server -

    Now that we have the keys set, stop the Openssh service on the TARGET server. Change the service credentials from whatever it put during the install, to your dbamonadmin domain account. Since this account has ADMINISTRATOR GROUP access on the TARGET server, it will solve that problem.

    To verify that this worked, run (on the MASTER - CYGWIN shell window):

     ssh dbamonadmin@the_target_hostname 
    You should not be in a BASH shell window on the TARGET server and it should NOT have prompted for a password. Enter hostname to verify where you are.

  9. Oracle Access for TARGET Probe -

    The probe will connect to Oracle now as the owner of the service using SYSDBA credentials (aka "connect / as sysdba"). In order for this to work, you will have to make sure that the Windows ID that is running the SSH service is in the ORA_DBA Windows group. This group was created when Oracle was installed. In other words, make sure that the Target Service Account that we discussed above is in the ORA_DBA Windows group.

  10. Create DBAmon's Oracle ODBC System Driver -

    To do this step you will have to know the ORACLE_SID of the target Oracle instance that you will be monitoring. Note that ORACLE_SIDs are usually case senstive, so when you create the ODBC Driver below, use the correct case of the ORACLE_SID that you will be monitoring. In Windows (on the Target):

    1. Go to Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC).
    2. Click the System DSN tab at the top of the page.
    3. Click Add. You will be asked which driver to use. Use one that looks like Oracle in (your ORACLE_HOME value). Click Finish.
    4. Enter the fields of this window:
      • Data Source Name: DBAmonOracleORASID (Where ORASID is the case sensitive ORACLE_SID that you will be monitoring).
      • Description: You can enter something here like: Driver for DBAmon. Doesn't really matter.
      • TNS Service Name: Click the pulldown and you should your ORACLE_SID. This is really the TNS name configured in the Listener but most people will specify this as the ORACLE_SID.
      • Userid: Just leave this blank, which is good for security. We will be using OS Authenticated SYSDBA Access (described above).
    5. Click Test Connection. You will be promted for a User and Password. Use:
      • User:   (Null, don't enter a userid)
      • Password: "/ as sysdba" Without the quotes. (this is strange, but yes, just enter: one forward-slash space as space sysdba)
      This should show connection successful if the user that you're running this CREATE ODBC DRIVER as is in the ORA_DBA group (see above).

  11. 'dbamon test' To Verify The Installation -

    After you create the DBAMON TEST MODE DBC file, you should be able to run dbamon test on this new TARGET server. Congratulations!

This Document: http://dbamon.com/config/target_config_oraclent.shtml