DBAmon Governor

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DBAmon Governor

(This feature is ???-specific)

There will be circumstances where some unplanned event, like a major network outage, will cause a flood of DBAmon events. The DBAmon Governor is designed to handle this situation.

Every time the DBAmon Ticket User Exit is driven the number of tickets created during the last hour is measured. If this count ever exceeds 120 (or 120/2 during a half hour), then an entry for the current hour plus 1 future hour will be placed into the: /opt/dbamon/adm/inhibit/ALL file. This will cause all monitoring to stop for 1-2 hours for all instances. It is assumed that the problem will be solved when this global ALL inhibit expires.

A DBA005C event and ticket will also occur to notify you that the Governor has activated.

This Document: http://dbamon.com/misc/governor.shtml