What DBAmon Monitors

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What DBAmon Monitors: Oracle/Apps

Category Event What
Availability 1. Apache
  • Are enough Apache processes running? DBC configurable.
  • Availability 2. TCF Running
  • Did $comm/admin/scripts/adtcfctl.sh status run Ok? If not a critical event will result.
  • Availability 3. Form Servers
  • The f60srvm and f60webmx processes need to be running. If they are not both running, a critical event will occur.
  • Availability 4. Listeners
  • All required listeners need to be running. If they are not, a critical event will occur.
  • Availability 5. Filesystems
  • You configure (in the DBC file) filesystems that are to be monitored. If any of these exceed the threshold that you specify, then a critical event will occur.

  • DBAmon.com
    This Document: http://dbamon.com/misc/monitors_oracleapps.shtml