What DBAmon Monitors

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What DBAmon Monitors: Oracle/Windows

Category Event What
Backup 1. Database Backup Age
  • The number of hours since the last successful backup is measured. If the DBC-specified Backup_Age: number of hours is exceeded, then a Backup Age Event occurs.
  • The logic to record the timestamp of each backup is incorporated into each our backup tools.
  • (AutoFix: Too much elapsed time since last successful DB backup)
  • If specified, the DBC-specified Backup_Command: Is Invoked .
    Availability 2. Instance Running
  • A DBI/ODBC connection to the DB is attempted.
  • System tables are queried.
  • Availability 3. Restricted Session
  • If the Oracle instance is in RESTRICTED SESSION mode, then a critical event will occur.
  • Availability 4. Tablespace Full You may configure DBC-specified Tablespace Full Thresholds . If a tablespace exceeds these thresholds, an event will occur.
    Availability 5. Offline Data Files
  • If any datafiles are found to be offline, a critical event will occur.
  • Availability 6. Listener
  • If the lsnrctl status shows that the listner is not active, a critical event will occur.
  • Availability 7. Archive Log Destation
  • If an Archive Log destination disk is full, a critical event will occur.
  • Availability 8. All Controlfiles On 1 Disk
  • It is a poor practice to store all controlfiles on 1 disk. If this occurs, a critical event will occur.
  • Availability 9. All Online Redo Logs On 1 Disk
  • It is a poor practice to store all Online Redo Logs on 1 disk. If this occurs, a critical event will occur.
  • Availability 10. Only 1 Controlfile
  • It is a poor practice to configure only 1 Controlfile. If this occurs, a critical event will occur.
  • Availability 11. Only 1 Online Redo Logs
  • It is a poor practice to configure only 1 Online Redo Log. If this occurs, a critical event will occur.
  • Performance 12. OTRACE
  • If OTRACE is turned on, a critical event will occur.
  • Performance 13. SQL_TRACE
  • If instance level SQL_TRACE is turned on, a critical event will occur.
  • Performance 14. Rollback Segment Gets:Waits Ratio
  • If the ratio of Rollback segments get to waits is > 1%, more rollback segments are probably needed. Note that in 9i+ SMU this is managed automatically, so this event will probably not occur.
  • Performance 15. Users With Default Tablespace of SYSTEM
  • Performance problems can result from storing non-SYSTEM objects in the SYSTEM tablespace. If any users are found with a default tablespace of SYSTEM, an event will occur.
  • Performance 16. Users With Temporary Tablespace of SYSTEM
  • Performance problems can result from storing non-SYSTEM objects in the SYSTEM tablespace. If any users are found with a temporary tablespace of SYSTEM, an event will occur.
  • Performance 17. TEMP Tablespace is Type=Permanent
  • MAJOR performance problems can result from your TEMP (temporary) tablespace being a permanent tablespace. The tablespace type of the temporary tablespace for all users is examined.

  • DBAmon.com
    This Document: http://dbamon.com/misc/monitors_oraclent.shtml