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This query is run:
SELECT object_name, max(run_complete_date), datediff(mi, max(run_complete_date), getdate()) Mins_Since_Last_Update FROM [$dbname].[dbo].[RJ_HISTORY] where object_name in ('LOGINHISTORY', 'LEAD', 'ACCOUNT') and run_status = 'completed' group by object_name order by 3 |
This query is run in order to extract a timestamp value from a Salesforce table which is replicated to this local MSSQL database:
SELECT datediff(mi, max(logintime), sysutcdatetime()) from $dbname..sf_loginhistory |
This query is run:
SELECT sum(records_added_etl + records_updated_etl) as rows_changed, sum(api_count) sum_api_count, count(distinct object_name) as tables, sum(errors) sum_errors from $dbname..rj_history where run_status = 'completed' and RUN_COMPLETE_DATE > dateadd(mi, -60, getdate()) |