DBAmon Repository - INSTANCE_DETAILS Table

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DBAmon Repository - INSTANCE_DETAILS Table

The INSTANCE_DETAILS table contains current snapshot data for each instance monitored. At the current time (Feb 2006), it is only populated for Oracle/UX instances.

Table Layout

 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 INSTANCE_KEY                                       VARCHAR2(32)
 CATEGORY                                           VARCHAR2(32)
 PARM                                               VARCHAR2(80)
 VALUE                                              VARCHAR2(80)
 ZDATE                                              DATE
Column Name Description Example Value
INSTANCE_KEY A unique for key this instance. This value will match the INSTANCE_KEY value of DBAMON.INSTANCES. prod4-87
CATEGORY Data classification for this row:

Kernel: All OS kernel parms for this server
DBMSParms: All init.ora NON-DEFAULT parms for this instance
Client: All currently connect client hostnames
Network: All network ID's (example: 192) for the currently connected clients

PARM Depends on CATEGORY value:

For CATEGORY=Kernel: A kernel parameter name
For CATEGORY=DBMSParms: An init.ora parameter name
For CATEGORY=Client: Oracle session client hostname
For CATEGORY=Network: Oracle session client hostname network network name

VALUE Depends on CATEGORY value:

For CATEGORY=Kernel: A kernel parm value
For CATEGORY=DBMSParms: An init.ora parameter value
For CATEGORY=Client: Session count from this client
For CATEGORY=Network: Session count from this numeric network ID (example: 192)

ZDATE Zee date that this row was created (actually a timestamp). (Oracle date)

This Document: http://dbamon.com/repository/instance_details.shtml