This is the DBAmon Instance
Summary. This WWW page is automatically recreated with the
current status of the databases that you are monitoring
every few minutes. Click on the T,D,.. URL's below that correspond to the instances that are being monitored. |
All Instance Health Index (1-100): |
Instance StatusInstance Count
Critical Events 2
No Events 2
Warning Events 2
Backup Monitoring Only 0
Info Events 0
Software Download Failed 0
Inhibited -or- Must_Be_Up=N Down 0
Monitoring Turned Off 0 |
DBMS/ApplicationInstance | Low VersionHigh Version
MSSQL 233%
Informix-UX 116%7.31.UC7A 7.31.UC7A
OracleApps 116%
OracleDB-NT 116%
OracleDB-UX 116%
Total:6 |
For demonstration purposes, the "T,D,..." URL's are functional in this demo only on the first "oradb1" line. |
Instance Detail (6 Instance(s) - 296 GB Total Size - DBAmon Tasks: 1 - Avg. Iteration Time: 3 Min.):
Status/ | Actions
Status | Bkup Method: | O/S | Mon. | Task/Entry | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
oradb1 DBADBA OracleDB-UX
-T-D-I-C-H-N-B-ETS MBUN K580 -2(2047) UX-11.00(32)0/029(8%) test0/0
ntora1 DBALSC OracleDB-NT-T-D-I-C-H-N-B-EArcLgRESKIT x86,6-4(511) NT-4.032/2327(7%) test0/0
ntsql1 MonitorWES MSSQL-T-D-I-C-H-N-B-E
PGR 7.00.842(SP2)22/32(R) NT-4.0,SP64/017(4%) test0/0
ntsql2 TestTest-Svcs MSSQL-T-D-I-C-H-N-B-EMSSQLDown
NT-0/0205(57%) test0/0
ifmxdb1 SAP-MPPHSG Informix-UX-T-D-I-C-H-N-B-EDBS PGR 7.31.UC7AOnArch:0/32(R) V2500 -12(8188) UX-11.00(64)257/22467(18%) SAP:31I(32)/31HDisks: 124 test0/0
oraap1 SND1GIS OracleApps-T-D-I-C-H-N-B-E
K580 -4(8191) UX-11.00(64)
12(3%) test0/0 |
Monitor Task Summary:
Monitor Process
Instances | Avg. Iteration | Max. Iteration | ||||||||||||
test0 * 1 6 66 6
Since all tasks have completed >=1 iteration, this page is complete |